Complimentary Business Services
Category: Employment Assistance, Regional Incentives
The San Joaquin County EEDD provides employment training, education and economic development services throughout the County. To encapsulate the varied economic development and workforce programs the EEDD created the “WorkNet” brand to promote a one-stop delivery mechanism to benefit employers and job seekers.
Outreach & Recruitment
After determining a company's employment needs, WorkNet helps to recruit and screen applicants. In addition to free services provided by countywide WorkNet Centers, employers can also access no-cost employee recruitment services provided by the State of California’s CalJOBS, and the federal Department of Labor’s America's Job Bank. These virtual centers provide employers free access to thousands of job seekers 24/7.
Testing & Training
WorkNet's Assessment Center provides employers with valuable information about prospective employees. Candidates can be tested for interests, aptitudes and educational skills to determine their potential as employees and/or their need for job preparation services.
Rapid Response Team
WorkNet’s Rapid Response Team is a group of professionals who help companies that are considering closure or workforce reductions. This Team provides access to resources that could ultimately lead to layoff aversion and company solvency. In the event of a closure or lay-offs, the Team provides unemployment insurance information, resume assistance and alternative job training. Because of its expansive network of County employers, many times the Team can place affected employees in positions with little, if any employment gap.
Summer Youth Employment Training Program/Hire Me First Program
WorkNet provides employers access to its free Summer Youth Employment Training Program that provides fully paid summer youth with opportunities to learn soft skills and gain valuable work experience. WorkNet also administers the Hire Me First Internship Program that matches high school students with local employers seeking interns.